SICKNESS IS A PLACE is a series of works completed in 2022 using vintage road maps, cyanotype origami shapes, acrylic paint, glitter, spray paint, gel pens, cotton gauze, medical wrap, prescription sheets, and more. Raised components emerge from the surface to confront the viewer in the torn and re-constructed maps, littered with medical detritus. These mixed-media pieces are meant to illustrate and immerse the viewer in the disorientation and struggle, of chronic illness, while also finding beauty and significance.

Flannery O'Connor talked about illness as a place:

"I have never been anywhere but sick. In a sense sickness is a place more instructive than a long trip to Europe, and it’s always a place where nobody can follow. Sickness before death is a very appropriate thing and I think those who don’t have it miss one of God’s mercies."

A few vingettes of pieces from “Sickness is a Place.”

Are you able to ________, 18” x 24” mixed media on canvas (plus detail)

The substance of things hoped for, 24” x 30” mixed media on canvas

Left: Do I want to be made well?, 24” x 30” mixed media on canvas
Right: Side effects likely (Did I remember to take my medicine?), 24” x 30” mixed media on canvas
Below: Always in the waiting room, 20” round mixed media on canvas (with detail)

The complete series of collages—


Works on display at a verdant downtown salon.