polaroid emulsion lifts

The beach is one of my favorite places to take photographs with instant film. What's even more lovely is when I bring the prints home and then work them over. Each of these is made up of two individual emulsion lifts; the print is cut open, soaked in water, and then the image slowly releases from the plastic, floating like a jellyfish in the water.

(c) jocelyn mathewes
(c) jocelyn mathewes
(c) jocelyn mathewes
(c) jocelyn mathewes

It's tricky to get two of these jellyfish creatures to align together; when you get them the way you want them, it's a wonderful feeling.

(c) jocelyn mathewes
(c) jocelyn mathewes
(c) jocelyn mathewes
(c) jocelyn mathewes

My life with children plays heavily here. While these are indeed photographs of my children, I like to think that they become significant beyond the bounds of my individual family.

(c) jocelyn mathewes
(c) jocelyn mathewes

Because all of these moments matter, and beauty is a daily experience.